Monthly archives: April, 2016

Next Court Date May 6, Trial Date Set Back to June 13

Today I was due in court to make sure there were no issues that needed to be addressed before trial, which was scheduled to be May 2. Nonetheless, a delay of justice has occurred.  The judge granted the DA’s motion for contnuance & stayed the case until June 13. But I am due back in…

Trial Date May 2, 2016- No “Justice For Jerome” Tee Shirts.

On Monday, the judge banned wearing the  “Justice for Jerome”  tee shirts to trial. He has ordered the shirts can not be worn in court or outside the courtroom. Once again siding with the prosecution, he cited it will “unfairly influence the jury” Tee shirts or not, your continued support is still  strongly needed and…

What happened in court?

Transcribed testimony of two men used to help convict Jerome Morgan of murder 22 years ago can be used again in his upcoming retrial, even though those witnesses have recanted, a New Orleans judge ruled Monday (April 4). The decision was a setback for Morgan, who already has served 20 years in Angola after what…